Daniel Bos awarded abstract prize bij the Dutch Society of Radiology Fri 30-Sep-2011 Daniel Bos, PhD student in the department of Epidemiology and Radiology, was awarded the “Radiologendagenprijs”(prize of the Dutch Society of Radiology) on September 30 in Maastricht. This prize is awarded based on a combination of abstract quality and oral presentation of the work. Daniel won the prize for his presentation entitled “Arterial calcification in relation to cognition and structural brain changes”. In this paper, he investigated the association between calcification in various vessel beds (carotids, aorta, coronary arteries) and structural brain changes and cognitive function. The prize comprised of a new iPad.
Daniel Bos wint Radiologendagen-prijs
29-30 september Radiologendagen in Maastricht
Daniel Bos, promovendus van de afdelingen Epidemiologie en Radiologie, heeft de Radiologendagen-prijs (the best scientific paper award) gewonnen tijdens de Radiologendagen op 29-30 september in Maastricht.
Dit Radiologisch congres wordt georganiseerd door de NVvR (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Radiologie). De Radiologendagen-prijs wordt uitgereikt o.b.v. de combinatie van het beste abstract en de beste presentatie. De presentaytie waarvoor Daniel Bos de prijs (een iPad) kreeg toegekend was getiteld “Arterial calcification in relation to cognition and structural brain changes.”