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  Updated: 27-Jul-2024

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Dissertations 1983
Resistentie tegen antimicrobiële middelen van bacteriën voorkomend binnen en buiten het ziekenhuis
J.E. Degener

Promotor(es): Prof. Dr. H.A.Valkenburg, Prof. Dr. M.F. Michel
To read click HERE

Childhood Leukaemia in The Netherlands: a register based epidemiologic study
H.A. van Steensel-Moll

Promotor(es): Prof. Dr. H.A.Valkenburg
To read click HERE

Blood Pressure in Childhood. Epidemiological Probes into the Aetiology of Hypertension
A. Hofman

Promotor(es): Prof. Dr. H.A.Valkenburg
Copromotor(es): Prof. Dr. W.H. Birkenhäger, Prof. Dr. H.K.A. Visser
To read click HERE

Oral contraceptives and rheumatoid arthritis : further epidemiologic evidence for a protective effect
J.P. Vandenbroucke

Promotor(es): Prof. Dr. H.A.Valkenburg, Prof. Dr. A. Cats
Copromotor(es): Prof. Or. H.J. van der Molen, Prof. Dr. M.P. Vessey
To read click HERE

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