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  Updated: 27-Jul-2024

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Dissertations 2019
The Role of Nutrition and Gut Microbiome in Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Zhangling Chen

Promotor(es): Prof.dr. M.A. Ikram
Copromotor(es): Dr.ir. T. Voortman
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The Aging Cardiovascular System: Genetic and epigenetic determinants of vascular outcomes and cardiometabolic risk
Eliana Portilla-Fernandez

Promotor(es): Prof.dr. A.H.J. Danser, Prof.dr. M.A. Ikram
Copromotor(es): Dr. A.J.M. Roks, Dr. A. Dehghan
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Multi-Omics Study of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Related Disorders
Ivana Prokić

Promotor(es): Prof. dr. ir. C.M. van Duijn
Copromotor(es): Dr. N. Amin
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Motor Functioning and Parkinson’s Disease: Insights from the general population
Sirwan Darweesh

Promotor(es): Prof.dr. M.A.Ikram, Prof.dr. P.J.Koudstaal
Copromotor(es): Dr. M.K.Ikram
To read click HERE

Neurobiology of sleep in children and older adults
Desana Kocevska

Promotor(es): Prof.dr. H. Tiemeier, Prof.dr. E.J.W. Van Someren
Copromotor(es): Dr. A.I. Luik
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The loss when Losing a Loved one: Epidemiological studies of prolonged grief disorder
Heidi Saavedra Pérez

Promotor(es): Prof. dr. M.A. Ikram, Prof. dr. H.W.Tiemeier
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